Home Fellowships

CCKF Home Fellowships

Home Fellowships exist to disciple the family at CCKF by connecting them to the Word of God and to each other within the context of small groups.

Our Focus:

Small groups encourage the creation of deep, lasting relationships.
Small groups provide a platform for believers to use their gifts for the benefit and building-up of others.
Application of God's Word
Sermon-based studies keep the home fellowships tethered to the Word of God and to the larger family at CCKF.
Small groups provide a safe environment for people to have their struggles, victories, and needs heard and prayed for.

Our Current Groups:

Home Fellowship: Gates/Pope

Status: Open to new members
Description: Led by Doug Gates, hosted by Ryan and Cyntia Pope. Youth Friendly Home fellowship. Come and join us for the application of the word of God and fellowship with the body of Christ.
Neighborhood: Running Y
Leader: Doug Gates
Hosts: Ryan & Cyntia Pope
Host Home

Home Fellowship: Gasaway/Woodard

Status: Closed to New Members
Description: Led by Chuck Gasaway, hosted by Brian and Sally Woodard.
Neighborhood: Round Lake
Leader: Chuck Gasaway
Hosts: Brian & Sally Woodard
Host Home

Home Fellowship: Cheaney/Hreha

Status: Open to New Members
Description: College ages from 18 - 30 Home Fellowship. Led by our College leader Nathan Cheaney, Hosted by our Youth/College Pastor Aaron Herha and his wife Abigal Hreha.
Neighborhood: Americana
Leader: Nathan Cheaney
Hosts: Aaron & Abigal Hreha
Host Home

Home Fellowship: Christensen/Ritter

Status: Open to new members
Description: Kid friendly home fellowship. Welcoming growing and established families. Led by Lee Christensen, hosted by Lucas and Celeste Ritter. Come to enjoy a time with your family and the body of Christ. 
Neighborhood: Crest Park
Leader: Lee Christensen
Hosts: Lucas & Celeste Ritter
Host Home

Home Fellowship: Gibson/Manfull

Status: Open to new members
Description: Led by Eddie Gibson, Hosted by Jim and Tammie Manfull
Neighborhood: Sunset Village
Leader: Eddie Gibson
Hosts: Jim & Tammie Manfull
Host Home

Acts 2:46-47

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved