Home Fellowships

CCKF Home Fellowships

Our Home Fellowships meet with a three fold purpose:
Relational-Family and fellowship establishing a bond and relationships.
-Building relationships that we might do life together in Christ.
Applicational-The Word; applying it into the lives of the saints from the Sunday Services.
-This keeps the focus pointing back to unity of the body of Christ.
Prayer-time general then specific to the individual
-A balanced spread of time as the Spirit leads so that prayer is seen as essential part of implementation of the application.

Home Fellowships are:

  • An arena for discussing and applying the Scripture's principles, and ideas from the Bible at Calvary Chapel Klamath Falls as taught weekly during our regular services.
  • Devoted to helping God’s people put biblical principles into action. 
  • Are Scripture-based. This means the major points of discussion and Bible study each week are based on the text taught recently from the pulpit.
  • Intended to be casual home meetings, where people have the opportunity to get acquainted in an informal setting.
  • A place for relationships, application, prayer. Worship, whether musical or reading from the Psalms is encouraged.
  • Designed to meet the practical needs of the body and the community at large.

Acts 2:46-47

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved

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