Week of Prayer and fasting

Week of Prayer and Fasting
(January 28th thru February 3rd)

John 15:7

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."

Week of Prayer and Fasting Theme: "Building up The Body of Christ and Building on His Word"

  • Prepare ahead - spend time in prayer about what you should fast from and pray over.  Many people set aside this week to seek direction and wisdom for decisions they need to make, but you could also spend time praying for others.  Some people fast from food while others will fast from social media.  What you fast from and pray for is up to you!
  • Get prayed for - it is our privilege to be able to pray for each other and intercede for the things we each carry and are seeking the Lord about.
  • Set aside time for just you and the Lord - this week is an incredible time for corporate prayer, but don't miss out on the things God would reveal to you by spending time alone with Him.
  • Check out our resources - we want you to have a successful week with the Lord so we have teachings and other resources listed below.

Daily Meeting Times:

Evening Prayer Meetings - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Sunday through Saturday downstairs except for Wednesday and Saturday which will be upstairs in the sanctuary.
Personal Prayer Time - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday

Information about Fasting